CEEPUS experiences of students Tvrtko Ćosić, Andrea Ermenić and Bruna Nagulova


From September 22 to October 1, students of the 2nd year of scientific graduate study, Tvrtko Ćosić, Andrea Ermenić and Bruno Nagulov, as part of the CEEPUS mobility, visited the University of Ljubljana and participated in the summer school Environmental History and Histological Ecology of the Dinaric Karst. About 30 students from Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Bulgaria and Poland attended the summer school. As part of the summer school, students listened to lectures by experts who deal with various disciplines, including history, ecology, hydrology, geography, geology, archelogy and biology. During group work, students translated cadastral protocols and divisions of the Cerkniško Lake area from the beginning of the 19th century, studied anthropogenic interventions in the same area, and geomapped the collected data using GIS software. The students visited the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, the Anton Melik Institute of Geography and the Institute for Karst Research in Postojna, where they listened to lectures about the work of these institutions, and as part of the fieldwork they visited the travertine barriers of the Krka River, the source of the Krupa River, dips and valleys in south-eastern Slovenia, Cerkniško lake, Lipica and Škocjan caves.